Custom Query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#2227 "format=mutable" in the web API mutable mdmf defaults webapi new enhancement normal
#1756 MDMF publisher sends duplicate write vector elements mdmf publish new defect normal
#1502 WUI: make type field more regular, and show SDMF vs MDMF wui usability mdmf new defect major
#1641 fix regressions in convergent uncoordinated write detection upload mutable mdmf sdmf assigned kevan defect major
#1496 make SFTP frontend handle updates to MDMFs without downloading and uploading the entire file sftp performance mdmf assigned davidsarah defect major
#1513 memory usage in MDMF publish mutable mdmf memory-leak performance docs new defect major
#1514 memory usage in MDMF retrieve memory performance mdmf new defect normal
#1515 more precise progress indication for MDMF retrieve mdmf statistics new enhancement normal
#2080 remove the "experimental" flag on MDMF in the WUI and make it the default wui usability doc directories mdmf forward-compatibility easy brians-opinion-needed new warner enhancement normal
#1518 zero-byte MDMF reads should not fetch any segments mutable mdmf performance easy assigned warner defect minor
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