Custom Query (21 matches)


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Status: closed (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#7 win32 Windows WinXP Vista buildslaves zandr task minor fixed
#45 trac can't search for patch author name somebody defect major fixed
#122 does github webhook report tags? do they trigger the buildbot? warner defect minor 0.5.0 invalid
#184 trac doesn't send e-mails warner defect major fixed
#186 test grid graphs aren't being updated warner defect major 0.6.1 fixed
#227 our automated memory measurements might be measuring the wrong thing zooko defect major 0.7.0 wontfix
#230 wanted: buildslave that uses a Microsoft compiler somebody enhancement minor 0.7.0 fixed
#238 make the slowest buildslaves faster zandr enhancement minor 0.7.0 fixed
#256 buildbot no longer shows version stamps on waterfall display zooko defect major 0.7.0 fixed
#281 buildslaves for pycryptopp zooko enhancement major 0.7.0 fixed
#341 irc archive somebody enhancement major 0.8.0 duplicate
#351 trigger deb builders on darcs tags somebody defect major 0.9.0 invalid
#356 make test-figleaf doesn't work on Mac OS X zooko defect major 0.9.0 fixed
#429 zooko defect major 1.0.0 invalid
#497 we should sign the .debs published through our APT repository somebody task major 1.2.0 wontfix
#498 automate the production of .deb's of dependent libraries zooko enhancement minor 1.2.0 duplicate
#623 coverage: compute+display differential coverage zooko enhancement major 1.2.0 somebody else's problem
#1472 buildbot is unable to delete directories under _trial_temp* that have non-ASCII names under Windows somebody defect major 1.8.2 wontfix

Status: new (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#173 How does tahoe filesystem layer (lafs) handle lots of file-upload tasks? somebody enhancement major 0.6.1
#437 automatically schedule tests of large files somebody defect major 1.0.0
#1934 abolish timezones defect normal n/a
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.