Custom Query (8 matches)


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Status: closed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1635 'crypto for PB is not available' error from bin/tahoe on Fedora due to failure to find; goes away after 'make clean' and second build zooko defect major 1.9.0 somebody else's problem
#1580 A few tests fail on a fresh git working copy warner defect normal 1.9.0b1 fixed
#1631 PyCrypto 2.0.1 does not appear to work with trunk somebody defect major 1.9.0 fixed
#1574 PyCrypto 2.4 doesn't build with setuptools somebody defect major 1.9.0b1 fixed
#1788 bump foolscap requirement to >= 0.6.3 to support Twisted 11.1.0 davidsarah defect normal 1.9.1 fixed
#1575 pycrypto-2.4 packaging problems somebody defect major 1.9.0b1 duplicate
#1776 release notes etc. for Tahoe-LAFS 1.9.2 warner defect major 1.9.1 fixed
#1686 update copyright notices davidsarah defect major 1.9.1 fixed
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