Custom Query (233 matches)


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Results (201 - 233 of 233)

1 2 3

Status: new (32 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1042 KeyError exception seen in log when doing a mutable publish on the pubgrid defect major code-mutable 1.6.1
#1078 timestamps: localizable format and timezone somebody defect minor code 1.7β
#1136 don't run a web-API frontend if you don't need one somebody enhancement major code-frontend-web 1.7.1
#1139 refactor abbreviate utility methods somebody defect minor code 1.7.1
#1156 the test_2_good_8_hung_then_1_recovers_* methods in test_hung_server are wrong somebody defect normal code 1.8β
#1194 Garbage Collector need to remove subdirs of storage/shares when deleting shares nobody defect normal code-storage 1.8β
#1199 document known scaling issues warner enhancement major documentation 1.8β
#1203 /storage is insufficiently verbose when no crawl running nobody defect normal code-frontend-web 1.8β
#1211 client should be able to test share placement somebody enhancement major code-frontend-web 1.8β
#1394 upload should not wait for all servers to respond kevan defect major code-network 1.8.2
#1414 tahoe get on DIR2 URIs fails with error message that is too terse daira defect minor code-frontend 1.8.2
#1426 re-key (write-enabler) protocol enhancement major code-mutable 1.8.2
#1439 add docs/tests.rst documenting how to run tests and how to interpret the output somebody task major documentation 1.8.2
#1501 too many source files called,, etc. somebody defect minor code 1.8.2
#1513 memory usage in MDMF publish defect major code-mutable 1.9.0a1
#1535 Allow restricting Tahoe-LAFS gateway to one user by supporting Unix sockets enhancement normal code-frontend-cli 1.8.2
#1551 WUI: the Upload results page should have both view and download links defect major code-frontend-web 1.9.0a2
#1559 in test_download.Corruption.test_each_byte, catalog_detection = True has bitrotted somebody defect normal code 1.8.2
#1560 POST /uri?t=upload should give Upload Results consistently (even mutable) defect minor code-frontend-web 1.9.0a2
#1588 I want to trigger backups through the WUI. enhancement major code-frontend-web 1.9.0b1
#1653 mutable-retrieve should accept good shares from servers with bad shares defect major code-mutable 1.9.0
#1821 show full, explorable details about check and repair operations enhancement normal code-frontend-web 1.9.2
#1934 abolish timezones defect normal dev-infrastructure n/a
#2024 downloader hangs when server returns empty string defect normal code-encoding 1.10.0
#2236 Skip files with errors, Long files name, too large. Instead of failing the entire process Zancas defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#2325 maybe stop using tac files to indicate node type? warner defect normal code-nodeadmin 1.10.0
#2430 'tahoe backup' and 'tahoe cp' are too slow with lots of small files enhancement normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#3235 'tahoe create-node' should configure more options enhancement normal code-frontend-cli n/a
#3236 Refactor /helper_status web resource enhancement normal code-frontend-web n/a
#3237 Integration tests should not use sleep defect normal code 1.13.0
#3307 refactor: centralize helper for "remove comments" enhancement normal code n/a
#3310 immutable.downloader.status.DownloadStatus.get_results() is not implemented sajith defect normal unknown 1.13.0

Status: reopened (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#317 measurements of grid usage for the TestGrid page somebody enhancement major operational 0.7.0
1 2 3
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.