Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#1271 trac: show tooltip of standard keywords on ticket-modify pages trac new somebody enhancement major
#1581 Trac file uploads/attachments failing/corrupted trac attachment nginx uwsgi assigned zooko defect normal
#1691 occasional long delay using trac search function trac new somebody defect normal
#1867 Trac timeline RSS feed prompts for authentication trac new defect normal
#1970 trac commit notifications always show the branch as /trunk trac github posthook new defect normal
#2140 'Can't synchronize with repository "(default)"' error on projects that still use darcs website trac zfec zetuptoolz regression new defect normal
#2241 exception when trying to attach file to trac ticket trac new defect normal
#2270 Tahoe trac silently fails to add ticket attachments trac attachment regression new defect major
#2314 automate cross-linking between github pull requests and trac issue tickets. github trac new defect normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.