Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#3138 Run the test suite with some concurrency on CircleCI new defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#3258 The interface for the client-side storage plugin web resource has a one-to-many conflict assigned defect normal storage economics plugins unknown
#3441 The "dump-share" tests in allmydata.test.test_system.SystemTests.test_filesystem should be part of a separate test suite new defect normal undecided unknown
#3445 The runtime information on the "deep check results" page is untested assigned defect normal undecided unknown
#3489 Add some tests for src/allmydata/test/ new defect normal undecided unknown
#3516 Replace allmydata.test.test_system.SystemTest.test_connections with a pytest-based integration test new task normal undecided unknown
#3519 Stop using the mock library for testing new defect normal undecided unknown
#3661 Replace the GBS spec references to RFC 7469 with an inline explanation of certificate validation rules new defect normal Non-Foolscap communications unknown
#3766 Protocol is potentially high-latency and high bandwidth overhead for small files new enhancement normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2 unknown
#3771 Possible improvements for GET /v1/immutable/:storage_index/shares (and mutable equivalent) new task normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2 unknown
#3778 No way to abort immutable upload new task normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2 unknown
#3949 Remove the Ubuntu builders from GitHub Actions assigned task normal undecided unknown
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.