Custom Query (671 matches)


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Results (601 - 671 of 671)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#4034 On macOS Tor integration test is failing new normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2 unknown
#4037 Implement I2P support for the HTTP storage protocol new normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2 unknown
#4048 Fix the `cli_options.stdout` pattern new normal undecided unknown
#4053 Add a tool for running the integration tests in a reproducible environment new normal undecided unknown
#4054 Use CircleCI's "parallelism" feature to speed up runs of the integration test suite new normal undecided unknown
#4056 attrs "provides" deprecated new normal undecided unknown
#4058 allmydata.test.cli.test_run.RunTests.test_pidfile_contents fails sometimes new normal undecided unknown
#4067 Running the Tahoe CLI takes 400+ milliseconds just to start new normal Performance and Benchmarking unknown
#4073 each share for a file can have its own write enabler secret, but the wire protocol does not support more than one new normal undecided code-network
#4076 prepare release new normal undecided unknown
#4077 Many regexs in Tahoe tests are invalid new normal undecided unknown
#4078 intermittant failures / race-condition on new normal undecided code-storage
#4079 Performance hit by a million cuts new normal Performance and Benchmarking unknown
#4083 Run blocking operations in a thread or thread pool, part 3 new normal undecided unknown
#4085 Dirty reactor tests new normal undecided unknown
#4089 PyPy 7.3.15 and later break Twisted 23.10 and earlier new normal undecided unknown
#4096 perpare release new normal undecided unknown
#4097 1.19.0 node connection issues. new normal undecided unknown
#275 need more reliable way to determine when introducer is ready when started from a script (than polling for creation of introducer.furl) new somebody minor undecided code-nodeadmin
#427 what happens when a file changes as you're copying it? new minor undecided code-encoding
#433 mailing list archives are threaded weirdly new zandr minor undecided dev-infrastructure
#677 WebAPI: GET /uri/$FILECAP?t=json doesn't return size for mutable files, but the HTML version does assigned davidsarah minor soon code-frontend-web
#813 string exception raised to web renderer? new somebody minor undecided code-frontend-web
#879 Random-access download leaks information new somebody minor undecided documentation
#896 log more info about Foolscap disconnections on storages nodes (to twistd.log) assigned francois minor undecided code-network
#903 webapi t=mkdir-with-children and mkdir-immutable: behavior when directory already exists? new minor eventually code-frontend-web
#907 Stop caps from leaking to phishing-filter servers assigned davidsarah minor eventually code-frontend-web
#916 "tahoe cp": audit use of "mutable" flag new minor undecided code-frontend-cli
#918 Abstraction violations in web/ assigned davidsarah minor eventually code-frontend-web
#920 mkdir-immutable probably shouldn't implicitly create (mutable) intermediate directories new minor eventually code-frontend-web
#964 show sizes in unambiguous way that doesn't get mistaken for different units assigned zooko minor undecided code-storage
#970 webapi PUT via multiple nodes can cause directory corruption but does not report UncoordinatedWriteError new nobody minor undecided code-frontend-web
#976 status of mutable file retrieve gives less information than an immutable download new minor undecided code-frontend-web
#982 grsec disallows tahoe from learning its own IP address new ioerror minor undecided code
#1039 Keys with passphrases for SFTP new nobody minor undecided code-frontend-ftp-sftp
#1052 "tahoe backup": report EnvironmentError more precisely assigned davidsarah minor soon code-frontend-cli
#1078 timestamps: localizable format and timezone new somebody minor eventually code
#1092 shares.happy is the wrong name of the measure new warner minor soon code-nodeadmin
#1101 some CLI commands accept "--verbose", other don't new minor undecided code-frontend-cli
#1133 don't claim to provide better semantics of timestamps than Python claims to provide new somebody minor undecided documentation
#1139 refactor abbreviate utility methods new somebody minor eventually code
#1148 scripts/ is not tested directly, so can't see coverage assigned davidsarah minor soon code-nodeadmin
#1279 silent failure of bin/tahoe when root partition is out of space? reopened somebody minor undecided code
#1333 'private/' subdir of BASEDIR should be created during 'tahoe create-alias' and friends assigned Lcstyle minor soon code-nodeadmin
#1362 SFTP: should removing a non-empty directory be permitted? new minor undecided code-frontend-ftp-sftp
#1410 sftp server listens on reachable IP addresses by default new minor undecided code-frontend-ftp-sftp
#1414 tahoe get on DIR2 URIs fails with error message that is too terse new daira minor eventually code-frontend
#1437 Replace os.path (etc.) with twisted.python.filepath new zancas minor undecided code
#1468 mutable.rst and mut.svg contain some dated or confusing terminology and use different names new zancas minor undecided documentation
#1482 change the hostname in the version strings from new somebody minor undecided code
#1501 too many source files called,, etc. new somebody minor eventually code
#1516 don't catch and ignore EnvironmentError when trying to get disk stats assigned davidsarah minor soon code-storage
#1517 don't use IndexError to signal lease not found new minor soon code-storage
#1518 zero-byte MDMF reads should not fetch any segments assigned warner minor eventually code-mutable
#1533 CLI: the message displayed when already exists refers to --pidfile and --logfile parameters not supported by 'tahoe' new minor undecided code-frontend-cli
#1537 fix some Interface violations new daira minor soon code
#1538 tests should create share files with the same Unix mode bits as a real storage server new somebody minor undecided code
#1560 POST /uri?t=upload should give Upload Results consistently (even mutable) new minor eventually code-frontend-web
#1695 #tahoe-lafs IRC logs are not searchable new submusic minor undecided dev-infrastructure
#1774 exception in twistd.log from web parser new minor undecided code-frontend-web
#1840 CLI: don't allow creating single-letter aliases on Windows assigned davidsarah minor soon code-frontend-cli
#1881 test utility for comparing sets assigned davidsarah minor undecided code
#1887 naming of expire.cutoff_date option with an underscore is inconsistent new minor undecided code-storage
#1917 cleanup: be consistent about importing StringIO new davidsarah minor undecided code
#1968 always use assertutil for assertions new minor undecided code
#2012 Translate accounting-overview.txt to rst format. new marlowe minor soon documentation
#2301 The term "filesystem" is too overloaded. new Zancas minor undecided documentation
#2463 eliminate duplication between test classes Update and Version in test_mutable assigned daira minor soon code-mutable
#2768 intermittent DirtyReactor failures in test_system.Connections.test_rref new minor undecided code
#2797 explain two timestamps on WUI server listings new minor soon code-frontend-web
#2899 ValueOrderedDict throws IndexError when given equal non-identical keys new minor undecided code
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.