Custom Query (164 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 164)

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Status: assigned (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#3445 The runtime information on the "deep check results" page is untested exarkun defect normal n/a 2020-09-25T15:16:56Z
#3949 Remove the Ubuntu builders from GitHub Actions exarkun task normal n/a 2022-12-03T00:30:44Z
#3972 Solving `untyped-def` mypy errors in tahoe-lafs codebase daniellee enhancement minor n/a 2023-02-03T19:58:47Z

Status: new (97 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#1300 turn on garbage collection by default, offer obvious deep-repair-lease, warn about unset config nobody enhancement major 1.8.1 2011-01-10T06:26:46Z
#1312 tiddly_on_tahoe says "saving please wait...done" *after* it is finished saving nobody defect major 1.8.1 2011-01-15T19:24:07Z
#1315 tiddly_on_tahoe put back saveBackup functionality nobody defect major 1.8.1 2011-01-15T20:13:08Z
#1316 tiddly_on_tahoe caching issue -- must hit reload to see new contents nobody defect major 1.8.1 2011-01-15T20:15:21Z
#1317 button to create a new tiddly_on_tahoe instance nobody enhancement major 1.8.1 2011-01-15T20:17:19Z
#1318 tiddly_on_tahoe wrong error message when server is unreachable nobody defect major 1.8.1 2011-01-15T20:20:04Z
#1319 tiddly_on_tahoe Suggested feature: blog comments nuttycom defect major 1.8.1 2011-01-15T20:21:29Z
#1321 tiddly_on_tahoe writes itself more times than necessary? nobody enhancement major 1.8.1 2011-01-15T20:24:10Z
#1323 tiddly_on_tahoe header should link to immutable as well as to read-only links nobody enhancement major 1.8.1 2011-01-15T20:29:59Z
#1324 tiddly_on_tahoe Make the default tiddlywiki indicate capability being used to access it. nobody enhancement major 1.8.1 2011-01-15T20:30:55Z
#1325 make `tahoe backup` keep more filesystem metadata nobody enhancement major 1.8.1 2011-01-15T22:31:30Z
#1327 tiddly_on_tahoe Tahoe patches change tiddlywiki behavior in unexpected way nobody defect major 1.8.1 2011-01-16T01:54:45Z
#2202 ERROR: UnrecoverableFileError(no recoverable versions) daira defect major 1.10.0 2014-03-18T15:23:01Z
#3825 Placeholder defect major n/a 2021-10-23T21:28:43Z
#1865 backup has over-general exception swallowing that leads to assertion failures. davidsarah defect normal 1.9.2 2012-11-18T06:42:54Z
#1883 design a user survey defect normal 1.9.2 2012-12-03T00:12:08Z
#2053 make "tahoe backup" avoid "piling up" if the backup job takes longer than the period daira enhancement normal 1.10.0 2013-08-07T22:42:53Z
#2084 Commercial grids need an ability to disallow downloads without deleting data daira enhancement normal 1.10.0 2013-09-15T11:14:15Z
#2110 uploader confuses self-write-dedup with "server is full" markberger defect normal 1.10.0 2013-11-20T23:05:24Z
#2118 Lower extension size daira defect normal 1.10.0 2013-11-27T21:02:48Z
#2119 Don't pre-convert all serverids to ServerTrackers markberger defect normal 1.10.0 2013-11-27T21:04:39Z
#2123 Build intermitently-connected replication-only storage grid daira enhancement normal 1.10.0 2013-11-30T20:13:42Z
#2195 deep-check ERROR: NoSharesError(no shares (need 1) daira defect normal 1.10.0 2014-03-06T18:51:54Z
#2240 Backup failed possibly related to network disconnection daira defect normal 1.10.0 2014-06-04T18:31:34Z
#2254 Can't backup still suffering from allmydata.interfaces.UploadUnhappinessError daira defect normal 1.10.0 2014-06-30T16:49:44Z
#2285 multi backup error daira defect normal 1.10.0 2014-08-27T04:47:16Z
#2319 improve Tor usage documentation defect normal 1.10.0 2014-10-14T17:48:26Z
#2327 testing numpy 1.9.0 against misc/operation_helpers/provisioning/ defect normal 1.10.0 2014-10-28T20:07:51Z
#2352 dead code/bug in error-handling in mutable.layout.MDMFSlotWriteProxy._write defect normal 1.10.0 2014-12-19T17:26:20Z
#2373 adopt pyrsistent enhancement normal 1.10.0 2015-02-04T17:33:42Z
#2410 tahoe create-alias issue dipen defect normal 1.10.0 2015-04-27T18:39:15Z
#2472 encrypted cloud database daira defect normal 1.10.1 2015-07-21T18:53:00Z
#2712 implement leif's magic-folder data model dawuud enhancement normal 1.10.2 2016-01-24T18:17:56Z
#2790 Magic-Folder: refactor uploader tests meejah defect normal 1.11.0 2016-06-01T07:32:28Z
#2793 Magic-Folder: pause uploader/downloader when enough servers go away defect normal 1.11.0 2016-06-28T10:38:40Z
#2840 make nodes symmetric enhancement normal 1.11.0 2016-10-14T11:59:26Z
#2844 readiness status API for clients defect normal 1.11.0 2016-11-14T19:36:29Z
#2853 Sort out version reporting on Docker defect normal 1.12.0 2016-12-19T19:54:31Z
#2855 Last complete cycle not updating defect normal 1.12.0 2016-12-20T02:06:06Z
#2865 optionally re-enable start topology enhancement normal 1.12.1 2017-02-15T14:00:03Z
#2867 make the connect timeout configurable for production use-cases defect normal 1.12.1 2017-02-22T17:23:42Z
#2869 accounting: use twisted.enterprise.adbapi instead of blocking sqlite defect normal 1.12.1 2017-02-23T19:34:36Z
#2870 async initialization of Client defect normal 1.12.1 2017-02-23T20:15:23Z
#2871 test_create_long_path fails ... when ... the ... path ... is ... long ... defect normal 1.12.1 2017-03-02T19:35:13Z
#2874 early reporting of errors to users on the CLI defect normal 1.12.1 2017-04-13T20:13:04Z
#2890 Directory name and file name should be available in json response data defect normal 1.12.1 2017-07-16T16:21:12Z
#2900 Get rid of "tempfile" monkey-patch defect normal 1.12.1 2017-12-21T05:00:00Z
#2902 double _got_introducer if main_tab isn't started before IntroducerClient added defect normal 1.12.1 2018-02-02T22:24:58Z
#2930 "AUTO" Tub location detection/assignment is silently broken when system tools are missing defect normal 1.12.1 2018-06-14T14:02:18Z
#2937 check --repair crashes on LIT objects. defect normal 1.12.1 2018-08-21T22:17:36Z
#2945 Hypothesis tests for backup behavior enhancement normal 1.12.1 2018-09-04T18:56:22Z
#2951 async-friendly initializers for "NoNetworkGrid" and tests enhancement normal 1.12.1 2018-09-10T21:52:33Z
#2953 Update status API defect normal 1.12.1 2019-01-17T17:03:10Z
#2994 Sometimes the test suite times out on CircleCI defect normal 1.12.1 2019-03-11T15:16:24Z
#3022 Servers of happiness share placement distributes storage load unevenly in small grids defect normal 1.12.1 2019-04-03T12:12:36Z
#3039 allmydata.test.test_magic_folder.RealTestAliceBob.test_alice_bob sometimes fails on macOS with `Pending: set([u'file3'])` defect normal 1.12.1 2019-05-01T20:07:46Z
#3228 very old d3, jquery defect normal n/a 2019-07-16T01:43:01Z
#3249 Hard-coded ports in integration tests defect normal n/a 2019-08-20T06:16:18Z
#3301 allmydata.test.test_system.Connections.test_rref can fail with "Address already in use." defect normal n/a 2020-04-13T18:58:38Z
#3318 HOWTO / prose documentation for allmydata.testing.* enhancement normal n/a 2020-06-13T08:06:45Z
#3319 Add tests for web UI directory operations sajith defect normal n/a 2020-06-16T16:29:26Z
#3360 test_daemonize does not explode if code is completely broken defect normal n/a 2020-07-29T17:39:26Z
#3363 port allmydata.util.encodingutil to Python3 defect normal n/a 2020-08-02T09:25:45Z
#3413 Unable to re-run flaky tests defect normal n/a 2020-09-12T15:00:21Z
#3414 Deprecations CI job fails (intermittently?) defect normal n/a 2020-09-12T17:10:20Z
#3441 The "dump-share" tests in allmydata.test.test_system.SystemTests.test_filesystem should be part of a separate test suite exarkun defect normal n/a 2020-09-24T15:20:08Z
#3444 PyPy CI job fails: allmydata.test.test_sftp.Handler.test_openFile_read defect normal n/a 2020-09-25T15:11:17Z
#3480 The introducer writes a garbage fURL if created/started without a "good" environment defect normal n/a 2020-10-16T15:21:17Z
#3489 Add some tests for src/allmydata/test/ exarkun defect normal n/a 2020-10-26T18:13:39Z
#3494 Stop collecting/serving dependencies defect normal n/a 2020-10-29T20:08:12Z
#3506 Add Welcome page output for grid-manager status enhancement normal n/a 2020-11-16T08:25:14Z
#3507 tahoe add-grid-manager enhancement normal n/a 2020-11-16T08:26:48Z
#3508 grid-manager integration tests defect normal n/a 2020-11-16T08:29:59Z
#3516 Replace allmydata.test.test_system.SystemTest.test_connections with a pytest-based integration test exarkun task normal n/a 2020-11-20T16:10:20Z
#3519 Stop using the mock library for testing exarkun defect normal n/a 2020-11-24T18:07:14Z
#3530 Stop using the mock library for testing: src/allmydata/test/ defect normal n/a 2020-11-24T18:19:53Z
#3531 Stop using the mock library for testing: src/allmydata/test/ defect normal n/a 2020-11-24T18:20:22Z
#3538 Get rid of the "portnum filename" stuff in the configuration system defect normal n/a 2020-11-26T15:46:44Z
#3540 allmydata.mutable.publish.Publish.publish has unreliably covered bad shares handling code defect normal n/a 2020-11-30T18:53:07Z
#3548 test_filesystem_with_cli_in_subprocess mutates os.environ a bunch defect normal n/a 2020-12-07T15:45:56Z
#3556 docs/logging.rst has broken examples in it defect normal n/a 2020-12-12T21:55:39Z
#3561 allmydata.immutable.offloaded.LocalCiphertextReader claims to implement IEncryptedUploadable but does not implement set_upload_status defect normal n/a 2020-12-15T14:56:46Z
#3562 IMutableFileVersion.get_servermap is unused and unimplemented defect normal n/a 2020-12-15T15:16:12Z
#3563 _tub_portlocation tries to detect port 0 configuration but does so incompletely defect normal n/a 2020-12-15T18:28:59Z
#3570 Multiple developers can sign releases defect normal n/a 2020-12-21T01:58:18Z
#3573 Some typechecks fail with "Cannot determine consistent method resolution order" defect normal n/a 2020-12-26T17:30:28Z
#3597 The integration tests mix synchronous and asynchronous code in an unreliable way defect normal n/a 2021-01-25T14:22:24Z
#3601 CI builds new images for test jobs even when Tahoe's dependencies haven't changed defect normal n/a 2021-01-27T14:07:17Z
#3614 Consider renaming types_ module defect normal n/a 2021-02-15T17:12:34Z
#3660 Let's do a podcast! maylee enhancement normal n/a 2021-04-01T19:18:37Z
#3681 Windows install of VC compiler for Python 2.7 is failing in CI defect normal n/a 2021-04-26T14:05:38Z
#3719 tahoe_cp doesn't correctly determine when it needs to copy bytes defect normal n/a 2021-05-21T15:00:27Z
#3726 Register Tahoe-LAFS project with Libera.Chat defect normal n/a 2021-05-31T12:35:06Z
#3731 Make `tox -e news` work on macOS defect normal n/a 2021-06-07T19:26:46Z
#3740 link to web forum defect normal n/a 2021-06-15T17:51:00Z
#3742 Get control over mailing list sajith defect normal n/a 2021-06-18T14:06:34Z
#3752 Make a list of tests that don't pass in the Nix build environment defect normal n/a 2021-07-28T10:25:35Z
(more results for this group on next page)
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