Custom Query (2551 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 2551)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1117 the immutable uploader should call remote_abort on buckets that it knows it won't be using zooko defect major 1.7.1 code-peerselection
#1118 broken assert in kevan defect critical 1.7.1 code-peerselection
#1119 make cygwin a supported platform somebody defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#1120 simplify Unicode support by assuming that argv and output encodings are the same zooko defect minor 1.9.0 code
#1121 test 'tahoe run' defect major soon code-nodeadmin
#1123 unit tests getting unicode when they expect str zooko defect major 1.7.1 code
#1125 release 1.7.1 zooko defect major 1.7.1 packaging
#1128 Kyle Markley's case--uploader gives up in despair defect major undecided code-peerselection
#1129 suppress DeprecationWarning in tahoe --version output davidsarah defect minor 1.8β code
#1134 no-longer-valid URI for Zooko's wiki used in an example zooko defect minor 1.8β code-frontend-cli
#1135 reduce unnecessary escaping in quote_output davidsarah defect major 1.8β code-frontend-cli
#1137 test-from-egg and test-from-prefixdir are not testing the right code davidsarah defect major 1.8.1 dev-infrastructure
#1140 apparently spurious failure in allmydata.test.test_storage.BucketCounter.test_bucket_counter davidsarah defect major 1.8β code-storage
#1143 Double Encoding in HTML in File Names in WUI davidsarah defect major 1.10.0 code-frontend-web
#1145 conditionalize upload-debs on branch=trunk zooko defect major soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#1146 replace hardcoded 'allmydata-tahoe' with allmydata.__appname__ somebody defect normal 1.10.1 code
#1149 scripts/ is not tested davidsarah defect major 1.9.0 code-frontend-cli
#1150 util/ is not tested warner defect minor soon code
#1151 remove untested and unused comparison methods of util/ daira defect minor eventually code
#1152 trac tickets should not be auto-closed if a 'fixes #....' patch is committed only on a branch somebody defect major soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#1154 mplayer triggers two bugs in Tahoe's new downloader warner defect critical 1.8.0 code-network
#1155 Capability of interrupted downloads is logged in twistd.log warner defect critical 1.8.0 code-frontend-web
#1159 stop using .tac files: make it possible to change appname, Python package-directory name, perhaps other names daira defect major 1.10.1 code-nodeadmin
#1160 viewing web-status of unfinished immutable downloads causes exception warner defect critical 1.8.0 code-network
#1161 improve new-downloader logging defect normal 1.9.2 code-network
#1162 immutable download progress on "Recent Uploads/Downloads" hardcoded to 10% defect critical 1.8.0 code-network
#1166 ZeroDivisionError in web/ francois defect major 1.8.0 code-frontend-web
#1168 make more easily patchable by OS packagers zooko defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#1170 new-downloader performs badly when downloading a lot of data from a file defect critical 1.8.0 code-network
#1172 active immutable downloads are shown on Recent Operations instead of Active Operations francois defect major 1.8.0 code-frontend-web
#1188 flog exception with pycrypto 2.3 warner defect major undecided code
#1190 we can end up importing the wrong version of a dependency even though the right one is "already the active version in easy-install.pth" davidsarah defect major 1.8.1 packaging
#1191 unit test failure: failed to download file with 2 shares on one server and one share on another Brian Warner <warner@…> defect major 1.8.0 code-peerselection
#1192 warn users not to rely on PyCrypto davidsarah defect major 1.8.0 documentation
#1195 refactor get_disk_stats() and get_available_space() defect minor 1.9.0 code-storage
#1197 nondeterministic failure of allmydata.test.test_download.DownloadTest.test_lost_servers with NotEnoughSharesError zooko defect major 1.8.0 code-network
#1202 release 1.8.0 zooko defect major 1.8.0 packaging
#1205 Installation does not default to expiring shares somebody defect major undecided code-nodeadmin
#1210 stray unrecoverable versions should be repaired by removal, not a new version somebody defect major undecided code
#1212 Repair used default shares.happy kmarkley86 defect critical 1.8.1 code-network
#1214 test_argv_to_unicode is red on my Mac OS 10.4 zooko defect major 1.8.1 code-frontend-cli
#1216 document our commitment never to add government backdoors somebody defect major soon (release n/a) documentation
#1219 Visual changes on status web pages somebody defect major 1.8.2 unknown
#1220 build/install should be able to refrain from getting dependencies gdt defect major 1.11.0 packaging
#1223 got 'WrongSegmentError' during repair davidsarah defect major 1.8.1 code-encoding
#1224 Unicode bug in grid to grid copies warner defect major 1.8.1 code-frontend-cli
#1226 boutique VC in boutique language raises bar for contributions zooko defect minor undecided dev-infrastructure
#1230 help synopsis for 'tahoe ln' is confusing warner defect major 1.8.2 code-frontend-cli
#1231 stale comment in mutable/ Brian Warner <warner@…> defect minor 1.8.1 code-mutable
#1232 Unicode stdout/stderr replacement on Windows fails to print large strings davidsarah defect major 1.8.1 code
#1233 prefer binary eggs which satisfy dependencies over source eggs which are even newer zooko defect major 1.8.1 packaging
#1235 'UserWarning: Unbuilt egg for setuptools' on Lucid zooko defect major 1.8.1 code
#1239 document why package dependencies not auto-satisfied on test-from-prefixdir and test-with-fake-pkg steps zooko defect major undecided code
#1240 remove ResponseCache in favour of MDMFSlotReadProxy's cache davidsarah defect major 1.10.0 code-mutable
#1243 provide binary .egg's of Twisted for all supported platforms and versions of Python nobody defect major soon (release n/a) unknown
#1245 build binary eggs of zope.interface for all supported platforms somebody defect major soon (release n/a) packaging
#1246 figure out why "FreeStorm Win7-amd64-mingw py2.6" is red on the "test-with-fake-pkg" step zooko defect major soon packaging
#1247 auto-generate the table of eggs and installers zooko defect major soon (release n/a) packaging
#1248 move logic for build steps from buildmaster config to misc/build_helpers warner defect normal soon dev-infrastructure
#1250 trac timeline doesn't like davidsarah somebody defect minor soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#1251 show-tool-versions always reports stdout and stderr encodings as None; remove these reports davidsarah defect minor soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#1253 http proxying can break webapi and leak capabilities (manifests as JSON decoding error in CLI tests) warner defect critical 1.8.1 code-frontend-cli
#1255 'tahoe mv' doesn't report errors from the DELETE operation david-sarah@… defect major 1.8.1 code-frontend-cli
#1257 the "update-apt" step for pycryptopp buildbots always says that a task is already queued somebody defect major undecided dev-infrastructure
#1258 having Tahoe or any dependency installed in site-packages (or any other shared directory) can cause us to run or test the wrong code davidsarah defect major 1.11.0 dev-infrastructure
#1259 is being generated in the wrong place zooko defect major 1.8.1 packaging
#1260 there should be a way to force compiling C extensions from source somebody defect major 1.11.0 packaging
#1261 Permission problems on tahoe-lafs-dep-eggs somebody defect major undecided packaging
#1262 'tahoe start -m' no longer works zooko defect major 1.8.1 code-nodeadmin
#1263 New binary pycrypto-2.3 egg for netbsd-5.0.2-i386 nobody defect major 1.8.1 unknown
#1266 Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit Build Error pyOpenSSL pgrunwald defect major 1.8.1 packaging
#1267 support twistd's --profiler= and --debug options when starting a node defect minor undecided code-nodeadmin
#1268 downloader/share: coalesce mutiple Share.loop() calls warner defect major 1.9.0 code-encoding
#1272 'ImportError: No module named pkg_resources' errors from runner tests under Windows 7 -64 Bit pgrunwald defect major undecided packaging
#1273 nondeterministic failure of test_system.SystemTest.test_upload_and_download_random_key somebody defect major undecided code
#1274 eliminate pywin32 dependency warner defect major 1.9.0 code-storage
#1282 remove unmaintained Mac and Windows apps warner defect major 1.8.2 code
#1284 docs/quickstart.html readability improvement arch_o_median defect minor 1.8.2 documentation
#1286 test failures with message "exceptions.AttributeError: 'StreamServerEndpointService' object has no attribute '_port'", and failure to write node.url file with Twisted 10.2 warner defect major 1.8.2 code
#1287 tahoe --version or --version-and-path can show the wrong versions or paths davidsarah defect critical 1.8.2 code
#1292 'tahoe rm' without a path gives an AssertionError with no explanation warner defect major 1.9.0 code-frontend-cli
#1295 code cleanup: stop using IFinishableConsumer in davidsarah defect normal 1.10.0 code-frontend
#1296 'tahoe debug trial' command davidsarah defect major 1.8.2 code-frontend-cli
#1297 sftp might hang or consume 100% CPU if the client tries to rekey zooko@… defect major 1.9.2 code-frontend
#1298 WUI cannot handle non-ASCII node nicknames davidsarah defect major 1.10.0 code-frontend-web
#1301 use a mock decorator for test methods that return Deferreds somebody defect minor undecided code
#1302 installing Python 3 breaks bin\tahoe on Windows davidsarah defect major 1.12.0 packaging
#1303 allow running Tahoe correctly via other commands such as coverage davidsarah defect major 1.8.2 code-frontend-cli
#1304 'tahoe cp' copying to a mutable file should replace the contents kevan defect major 1.9.0 code-frontend-cli
#1305 'tahoe create-alias ALIAS:' and 'tahoe add-alias ALIAS: DIRCAP' (with trailing colon) should work warner defect minor 1.8.2 code-frontend-cli
#1306 release 1.8.2 warner defect major 1.8.2 packaging
#1307 support HTTP OPTIONS requests davidsarah defect normal soon code-frontend-web
#1308 don't upload debs built from a branch zooko defect critical soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#1309 reorder buildbot steps for speed somebody defect minor soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#1311 user of tahoe client thinks "storage=true" means that their client can use storage david-sarah@… defect major 1.8.2 code-nodeadmin
#1313 tiddly_on_tahoe shouldn't offer the option to save changes when you are viewing read-only nobody defect major undecided unknown
#1314 tiddly_on_tahoe should "offer a read-only cap to the user" nobody defect major undecided unknown
#1320 tiddly_on_tahoe compatible with Konqueror? zooko defect major undecided unknown
#1322 tiddly_on_tahoe Workaround for Bug in 2.5.3 nobody defect major unknown
#1326 don't require newer foolscap if you have older Twisted davidsarah defect major 1.8.2 packaging
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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