Custom Query (963 matches)


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Results (901 - 963 of 963)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#818 Output of tahoe deep-check --repair is hard to skim enhancement minor soon code-frontend-cli
#858 extra deep-check stats: unhealthiness of each file enhancement minor undecided code-frontend-cli
#879 Random-access download leaks information somebody defect minor undecided documentation
#895 add "tahoe flogtool SUBCOMMAND" enhancement minor undecided code-nodeadmin
#903 webapi t=mkdir-with-children and mkdir-immutable: behavior when directory already exists? defect minor eventually code-frontend-web
#904 tahoe ls -l: show "i"/"m" instead of useless "x" enhancement minor eventually code-frontend-cli
#916 "tahoe cp": audit use of "mutable" flag defect minor undecided code-frontend-cli
#917 Amazon S3 compatible frontend enhancement minor eventually code-frontend
#920 mkdir-immutable probably shouldn't implicitly create (mutable) intermediate directories defect minor eventually code-frontend-web
#970 webapi PUT via multiple nodes can cause directory corruption but does not report UncoordinatedWriteError nobody defect minor undecided code-frontend-web
#976 status of mutable file retrieve gives less information than an immutable download defect minor undecided code-frontend-web
#982 grsec disallows tahoe from learning its own IP address ioerror defect minor undecided code
#1007 HTTP proxy support for node to node communication davidsarah enhancement minor soon code-network
#1032 Display active HTTP upload operations on the status page nobody enhancement minor eventually code-frontend-web
#1039 Keys with passphrases for SFTP nobody defect minor undecided code-frontend-ftp-sftp
#1078 timestamps: localizable format and timezone somebody defect minor eventually code
#1092 shares.happy is the wrong name of the measure warner defect minor soon code-nodeadmin
#1101 some CLI commands accept "--verbose", other don't defect minor undecided code-frontend-cli
#1133 don't claim to provide better semantics of timestamps than Python claims to provide somebody defect minor undecided documentation
#1139 refactor abbreviate utility methods somebody defect minor eventually code
#1157 new downloader could still get block data from shares with UEB/hashchain corruption enhancement minor undecided code-encoding
#1177 Display directory storage indexes in directory listings enhancement minor undecided code-frontend-web
#1178 Use identicons for directory identifiers enhancement minor undecided code-frontend-web
#1185 discuss and select from logo designs zooko task minor undecided website
#1236 contribute to programmers outside of the Tahoe-LAFS project somebody enhancement minor undecided code
#1276 Add recent twitter posts to front page of site secorp task minor undecided website
#1351 Use extended attributes to expose metadata somebody enhancement minor undecided code
#1362 SFTP: should removing a non-empty directory be permitted? defect minor undecided code-frontend-ftp-sftp
#1410 sftp server listens on reachable IP addresses by default defect minor undecided code-frontend-ftp-sftp
#1414 tahoe get on DIR2 URIs fails with error message that is too terse daira defect minor eventually code-frontend
#1437 Replace os.path (etc.) with twisted.python.filepath zancas defect minor undecided code
#1443 use exocet instead of the builtin Python module loader somebody enhancement minor undecided packaging
#1461 stop writing small shares in old V1 share format zancas enhancement minor soon code-storage
#1468 mutable.rst and mut.svg contain some dated or confusing terminology and use different names zancas defect minor undecided documentation
#1482 change the hostname in the version strings from somebody defect minor undecided code
#1501 too many source files called,, etc. somebody defect minor eventually code
#1517 don't use IndexError to signal lease not found defect minor soon code-storage
#1533 CLI: the message displayed when already exists refers to --pidfile and --logfile parameters not supported by 'tahoe' defect minor undecided code-frontend-cli
#1537 fix some Interface violations daira defect minor soon code
#1538 tests should create share files with the same Unix mode bits as a real storage server somebody defect minor undecided code
#1544 downloader: coordinate crypttext_hash_tree requests enhancement minor undecided code-encoding
#1560 POST /uri?t=upload should give Upload Results consistently (even mutable) defect minor eventually code-frontend-web
#1695 #tahoe-lafs IRC logs are not searchable submusic defect minor undecided dev-infrastructure
#1736 LAFS does not come with a pony warner enhancement minor undecided packaging
#1774 exception in twistd.log from web parser defect minor undecided code-frontend-web
#1813 Choice of tree-hash davidsarah enhancement minor undecided unknown
#1820 standard host metadata enhancement minor undecided code-frontend-web
#1887 naming of expire.cutoff_date option with an underscore is inconsistent defect minor undecided code-storage
#1917 cleanup: be consistent about importing StringIO davidsarah defect minor undecided code
#1968 always use assertutil for assertions defect minor undecided code
#2012 Translate accounting-overview.txt to rst format. marlowe defect minor soon documentation
#2301 The term "filesystem" is too overloaded. Zancas defect minor undecided documentation
#2351 Create tahoe-lafs client using WebRTC for Dropbox like link sending enhancement minor undecided code-frontend
#2372 add precondition_type convenience function daira enhancement minor undecided code
#2768 intermittent DirtyReactor failures in test_system.Connections.test_rref defect minor undecided code
#2777 modernize tests task minor undecided code
#2782 code reorg: less inheritance, more delegation/composition task minor undecided code
#2797 explain two timestamps on WUI server listings defect minor soon code-frontend-web
#2899 ValueOrderedDict throws IndexError when given equal non-identical keys defect minor undecided code
#2943 "tox -e codechecks" should check for docstrings in all new code enhancement minor undecided dev-infrastructure
#3226 DecryptingConsumer and EncryptedTemporaryFile refactor enhancement minor undecided code
#3280 unit-test Web-UI "welcome" page enhancement minor undecided code-frontend-web
#3973 Update twisted for type checker daniellee enhancement minor undecided unknown
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.