


16:11 Ticket #805 ("python setup.py test" complains that "test_suite must be a list", or ...) closed by zooko
16:09 Ticket #804 (provide binary .egg's for pycryptopp for all supported platforms and ...) reopened by zooko
Thank you for the bug report. This isn't fixed yet though, until …
04:08 Ticket #805 ("python setup.py test" complains that "test_suite must be a list", or ...) created by arch_o_median
[…] But version looks correct including pycryptopp: 0.5.15: […]
04:03 Ticket #804 (provide binary .egg's for pycryptopp for all supported platforms and ...) closed by arch_o_median
fixed: OK, solved. For my system: […] Unfortunately when I ran setup.py …


22:56 Ticket #804 (provide binary .egg's for pycryptopp for all supported platforms and ...) created by arch_o_median
= Some System Configuration Information = […] = Downloads = Per …
01:51 Ticket #803 (python ./setup.py install -- can't create or remove files in install ...) created by zooko
bewst reported: […] This is part of …


01:54 Ticket #802 (MacOS X Test Failures) created by bewst
Build looks good, but python setup.py test gives the following. …


16:13 Ticket #801 (Investigate Py_ssize_t behavior in wrappers for CPython < 2.5) created by nejucomo
Py_ssize_t was introduced in CPython 2.5 in Pep 353 [1]. Older Python …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.