Version 156 (modified by zooko, at 2013-12-12T04:52:09Z) (diff) |
Weekly Meeting
There is a weekly videoconference using Google Hangout. The connection URL is posted on this page and IRC a few minutes before the meeting.
Who | Core developers or interested community members |
What | Dev Topics Meeting |
When | Thursdays 8:00 AM Pacific time |
Where | Google Hangout, IRC fallback (see below) |
Why | Voice/video interaction complements IRC/mailing list |
How | See Agenda below |
(*) Z (Zulu) time refers to UTC; check where you are or see the countdown.
Date: 2013-12-12
Agenda: Nuts And Bolts!
- #1382 #1382 #1382 and #1382 (because Mark_B and Zooko will both be in this dev chat and they want to work on comment:50:ticket:1382)
- #2125 (amiller wants to work on it)
- do code-review on the tickets that already have patches written for them! Milestone 1.11.0
- POSSIBLE AGENDA ITEM: Tahoe-LAFS over I2P, Tor, and/or cjdns by Twisted Endpoints (pycryptopp #203) because exists now!
- POSSIBLE AGENDA ITEM: let's do ChaCha20⊕AES (pycryptopp #84 and Tahoe-LAFS #1164).
This will be a "TESLA COILS AND CORPSES" meeting — it is about science, big new features, writing papers about our work, etc.
If you're more into engineering, debugging, documentation, making stable releases, etc. then stay tuned for a future meeting about "NUTS AND BOLTS".
Proposed Future Topics
- Noether status report by Daira ("TESLA COILS AND CORPSES")
- Rainhill design review which Daira will distribute; call for outside crypto expert reviewers ("TESLA COILS AND CORPSES")
- Proof-of-Retrievability In The Presence Adaptive Adversaries by Zooko ("TESLA COILS AND CORPSES")
- Awesome Generalized Authenticated Data Structures, Part 2 by Andrew ("TESLA COILS AND CORPSES")
- Awesome Generalized Cryptocurrencies, Part 2 by Brian ("TESLA COILS AND CORPSES")
Notes / Archives
- plans for Tahoe-LAFS Summit next week in SF.
- #1382 #1382 #1382 and #1382 (because Mark_B and Zooko will both be in this dev chat and they want to work on comment:50:ticket:1382)
tests of packaging
publish buildbot config
tests of packaging:
- pip install allmydata-tahoe (currently fails due to Nevow bug #XXX )
- python install (currently doesn't install deps) (ticket #XXX )
- the tests from the old buildmaster and from the old misc/build_helpers/test*.py
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): code-review on the tickets that already have patches written for them! Milestone 1.11.0
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): Agenda: Planning for Tahoe-LAFS v1.11 release!
What will be new in Tahoe-LAFS v1.11? Here is the list of v1.11 tickets already closed: Here is the list of v1.11 tickets awaiting code review.
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): Agenda: I2P, v1.11 release, Mark's tickets
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): Agenda: GSoC, #1870, Buildbot
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): Agenda: GSoC, #1382
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): Agenda: Tahoe-LAFS v1.11 ticket triage
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): Agenda: "Mark Berger's improvements to immutable peer selection"
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): Agenda: "Mark Berger's improvements to immutable peer selection"
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): Agenda: "Write some patches for Tahoe-LAFS v1.11!"
- Leif's recent patches to the WUI (#1973)
- improve the design and beauty of the WUI ( , #1492)
- fix defects in the WUI (#1993, #1931, #1375, #1462, #1502, #1961, #622, #311, #525, #631, #1588, #1645, #1706)
- write cool new WUI (#1942, #1369, #1551, #1499, #277)
(I can't remember whether we actually followed the agenda.)
- ("TESLA COILS AND CORPSES"): Agenda: "Post-LAFS: What would you invent (or are you inventing) now that you already understand Tahoe-LAFS? Possibilities: LDMF (fancier authenticated data structures), Brian's secret file-sharing project within Mozilla, BitTorrent Sync, saying 'Okay, storage is good enough, let's work on decentralized currencies/payment-systems instead.'"
Actual topic turned out to be "Post-Bitcoin" instead.
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): Google Summer of Code project planning
- ("TESLA COILS AND CORPSES"): Andrew Miller: "type-directed security definitions for generic authenticated data structures"
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): IPv6 and tests thereof
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): Tahoe-LAFS v1.10 patches; 1.10.0, contribute patches, tests, docs, or comments.
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): Tahoe-LAFS v1.10 patches; 1.10.0, contribute patches, tests, docs, or comments.
- ("TESLA COILS AND CORPSES"): (attempt number 3) Iraklis's research in applying Ristenpart's Message-Locked Encryption to LAFS. This requires extending the model of Message-Locked Encryption, and it suggests interesting directions for future extensions of LAFS.
- ("TESLA COILS AND CORPSES"): (attempt number 2) Iraklis's research in applying Ristenpart's Message-Locked Encryption to LAFS. This requires extending the model of Message-Locked Encryption, and it suggests interesting directions for future extensions of LAFS.
- ("TESLA COILS AND CORPSES"): Iraklis's research in applying Ristenpart's Message-Locked Encryption to LAFS. This requires extending the model of Message-Locked Encryption, and it suggests interesting directions for future extensions of LAFS.
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): Tahoe-LAFS v1.10, new WUI, "timeline" visualization, commercialization of Tahoe-LAFS
[some weekly hangouts were skipped due to travel]
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): Tahoe-LAFS v1.10
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): documentation and internationalization
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): Tahoe-LAFS v1.10
- ("TESLA COILS AND CORPSES"): new secure hash function
- ("TESLA COILS AND CORPSES"): Proofs-of-Retrievability!
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): documentation
- ("TESLA COILS AND CORPSES"): distributed introduction, defense against rollback attack
- ("NUTS AND BOLTS"): work on Tahoe-LAFS v1.10 tickets!
- ("TESLA COILS AND CORPSES"): async notifications
What a lot of people really want is an alternative to Dropbox — something that functions very like Dropbox but without exposing your plaintext to spying and corruption. David-Sarah implemented a part of this with the drop-upload feature. It seems to me that the blocker which prevents Tahoe-LAFS from doing the rest of it is that LAFS clients have no way to get an asynchronous notification that a file has changed (i.e., so that they don't have to poll to find out if the file has changed). So: could we add that? Why not just define a remote interface offered by LAFS clients to LAFS servers. The remote interface is "hey_you_this_file_has_changed(storageindex)".
- #1240; Is it done? (I think it still needs fixed tests.) Can we commit it to trunk and be done with it? Do we need to merge it with #1679?
- #1679; Let's write a test for it! Has The Dod had continuous good service since he applied the patch? Has nejucomo tried reproducing his bug and applying the patch?
("TESLA COILS AND CORPSES"): Garbage collection: use cases and protocols;
- #1832 (support indefinite leases with garbage collection)
- #1833 (storage server deletes garbage shares itself instead of waiting for crawler to notice them)
- #1834 (stop using share crawler for anything except constructing a leasedb)
- #1835 (stop grovelling the whole storage backend looking for externally-added shares to add a lease to)
- #1836 (use leasedb (not crawler) to figure out how many shares you have and how many bytes)
- #1837 (remove the "override lease duration" feature)
And the associated mailing list thread.
Topics: Ticket #1240, Tahoe-LAFS birthday party, future agendas.
Attendees: Zooko, David-Sarah, amiller, ambimorph, nejucomo.
Concise summary:
- #1240 debug session - Incorrect caching logic suspected.
- Tahoe-LAFS birthday party - Saturday, 2012-10-27 at 23:00z - Each locale connects with a projector + google hangout.
- Future agendas - next week, Proof of Retrievability paper review; two weeks out, Rainhill review with outside crypto reviewers.
Finely detailed notes in MeetingNotes_2012_10_23
Topics: Proof-of-Retrievability
Attendees: Zooko, David-Sarah, nejucomo
From IRC, Zooko summarizes (edited for spelling):
- "The reason we can do better than the previous state of the art is that we've expanded the setting to multiple servers and multiple clients, which opens up new defenses for the good guys against Ponda Baba."
- "It is useful way to think, to start with the completely safe camouflaged download protocol: just run your normal verifier, but tell it to save what it gets, and then to talk about how to make it faster without breaking camouflage."
- "There are two dimensions of how you might be able to make it faster: the dimension of multiple downloader/verifiers and the dimension of multiple servers."