#2507 assigned task

consider whether to use @inlineCallbacks (in tests or more generally)

Reported by: daira Owned by: daira
Priority: normal Milestone: undecided
Component: documentation Version: 1.10.1
Keywords: coding-standards inlineCallbacks twisted docs Cc:
Launchpad Bug:

Description (last modified by daira)

<daira> meejah: we don't use inlineCallbacks in Tahoe mainly due to inertia -- the vast majority of the codebase was written without them... <daira> I had some minor technical reservations about them (and about mixing the two styles) but I should probably reconsider whether those are really justified <daira> currently our only use of them is in the tests for some of the cloud backend service providers (on a dev branch) that Leif wrote <daira> I think there's no objection to using them more generally in tests

For this ticket, understand pros and cons of using @inlineCallbacks and add a section to the CodingStandards with guidelines for their use. (This might be very short if no guidelines are needed!)

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed at 2015-09-17T08:20:00Z by daira

  • Description modified (diff)
  • Status changed from new to assigned

comment:2 Changed at 2015-09-17T08:21:45Z by daira

  • Component changed from unknown to documentation
  • Keywords coding-standards inlineCallbacks twisted docs added
  • Type changed from defect to task

comment:3 Changed at 2016-09-28T08:10:03Z by warner

The answer is yes, we should use inlineCallbacks. All the new tests I'm writing these days use it. mock too.

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