Custom Query (1525 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 1525)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Status: assigned (41 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#97 reducing memory footprint in share reception warner defect major code 0.4.0
#114 command-line: multiple files at once zooko enhancement minor code-frontend-cli 0.7.0
#280 get_hash method in webapi for extension caching logic. zooko enhancement minor code-frontend-web 0.7.0
#501 NotMutableError (now NotWriteableError) escaping into the twistd.log davidsarah defect major code-encoding 1.2.0
#679 /storage emitting exception - lease reporting code davidsarah defect major code-frontend-web 1.3.0
#727 add optional-dependency on numpy zooko task minor packaging 1.4.1
#896 log more info about Foolscap disconnections on storages nodes (to twistd.log) francois defect minor code-network 1.5.0
#932 benchmark Tahoe-LAFS compared to nosql dbs bibilthaysose enhancement major dev-infrastructure 1.5.0
#951 uploads aren't cancelled by closing the web page zooko defect major code-frontend-web 1.6.0
#964 show sizes in unambiguous way that doesn't get mistaken for different units zooko defect minor code-storage 1.6.0
#1041 Timeout error when uploading a file with some SFTP clients, e.g. WinSCP davidsarah defect major code-frontend-ftp-sftp 1.6.1
#1084 nondeterministic failure of allmydata.test.test_system.SystemTest.test_upload_and_download_{random_key,convergent} zooko defect major code 1.7β
#1249 There may be a memory leak in the tahoe-lafs storage server, which may or may not be related to the number of other storage servers. stott defect major code 1.8.0
#1252 use different encoding parameters for dirnodes than for files davidsarah defect major code-frontend 1.8.0
#1336 improve the mechanism that causes test nodes to exit even if not successfully stopped daira defect major code 1.8.1
#1370 SFTP: consider supporting hard link extension davidsarah defect major code-frontend-ftp-sftp 1.8.2
#1524 twistd can fail when checking whether a is stale davidsarah defect major code-nodeadmin 1.9.0a1
#1649 WUI: the error message page for a writeable file/directory nonobviously includes the write cap davidsarah defect major code-frontend-web 1.9.0
#1663 Add a concise table of the URL tree to webapi.rst. marlowe enhancement normal documentation 1.9.0
#1715 change all docs and generated URLs to point to "/cap" instead of "/uri" davidsarah defect normal documentation 1.9.1
#1752 are we doing more readvs and writevs than necessary for some CLI or WUI operations? davidsarah defect normal code 1.9.1
#1871 provide interface to query lease storage information davidsarah enhancement normal code-frontend-cli 1.9.2
#1881 test utility for comparing sets davidsarah defect minor code 1.9.2
#1884 mention symlinking the shares directory in configuration.rst marlowe defect normal documentation 1.9.2
#1976 SFTP+SSHFS hangs for second concurrent operation daira defect normal code-frontend-ftp-sftp 1.10.0
#2047 refactor *Source classes in to have a basename() method rather than passing around (name, source) pairs daira defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#2127 Disambiguate "client" and "gateway" occurrences in Tahoe-LAFS docs marlowe defect normal documentation 1.10.0
#2226 add doc about literal caps in performance.rst marlowe defect normal documentation 1.10.0
#2228 add directory operations to performance.rst marlowe defect normal documentation 1.10.0
#2238 add simpler documentation for a single server use-case daira enhancement normal documentation 1.10.0
#2243 TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__' while opening backupdb daira defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#2331 don't display capabilities without user explicitly asking for it daira defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#2334 one slow server slows down all uploads that attempt to use it daira defect normal code-network 1.10.0
#2338 tahoe backup exits nonzero if there are any symlinks daira defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#2507 consider whether to use @inlineCallbacks (in tests or more generally) daira task normal documentation 1.10.1
#1879 Glossary document marlowe enhancement normal documentation n/a
#2730 Added Missing TWN Issues to HTML marlowe task normal documentation n/a
#3347 Tor integration tests fail on Windows sajith defect normal dev-infrastructure n/a
#3445 The runtime information on the "deep check results" page is untested exarkun defect normal unknown n/a
#3949 Remove the Ubuntu builders from GitHub Actions exarkun task normal unknown n/a
#3972 Solving `untyped-def` mypy errors in tahoe-lafs codebase daniellee enhancement minor unknown n/a

Status: closed (59 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#70 idea: integrate captcha into some furls nobody enhancement minor code 0.4.0
#151 maildir inlet enhancement minor code-frontend 0.5.1
#60 current "Priority:" setting isn't useful somebody enhancement major dev-infrastructure 0.6.0
#87 store less validation information in each share, to lower overhead enhancement minor code-encoding 0.6.0
#125 typing and sharing; viewing without attaching enhancement minor code-frontend 0.6.0
#167 try out Jerasure zooko enhancement minor code-encoding 0.6.0
#11 I don't like pyopenssl zooko defect minor code 0.6.1
#13 collect stats on download counts, page hits, etc. secorp task major operational 0.6.1
#83 Extend external interfaces for operation monitoring. nejucomo enhancement minor code 0.6.1
#179 rewrite our Makefile in Python instead of GNUmake somebody enhancement major packaging 0.6.1
#102 smaller and prettier directory URIs zooko enhancement minor code-frontend-web 0.7.0
#140 the "setuptools+GNU stow" hack doesn't work on zope.interface zooko defect minor packaging 0.7.0
#228 more REST-ful PUT web interfaces (Content-Type: instead of t=) task minor code-frontend-web 0.7.0
#279 trac->mailing list somebody enhancement major dev-infrastructure 0.7.0
#289 do not use plaintext passwords in the database anymore secorp task major operational 0.7.0
#302 stop permuting peerlist, use SI as offset into ring instead? zooko task major code-peerselection 0.7.0
#313 periodic automated test of prodnet grid zandr enhancement major operational 0.7.0
#314 DNS tricks to connect clients to their own (local) node enhancement major code-frontend-web 0.7.0
#332 K=1 for mutable files warner defect major code-mutable 0.8.0
#336 Make production grid metrics visible secorp task major operational 0.8.0
#340 wanted: a Windows buildslave for unstable work zandr task major dev-infrastructure 0.8.0
#342 irc archive somebody enhancement major dev-infrastructure 0.8.0
#348 BuildBot step to run tests from package cgalvan enhancement major dev-infrastructure 0.8.0
#349 Find a middle ground on access to the Build button zandr defect minor dev-infrastructure 0.8.0
#350 have xfer-client return an error code if it doesn't succeed warner defect major dev-infrastructure 0.9.0
#368 munin pages on .org have broken links to dev pages somebody defect minor website 0.9.0
#398 allow users to disable use of helper: direct uploads might be faster task major code-encoding 1.0.0
#401 command-line: tahoe ls's way of saying "No such file or directory" leaves something to be desired davidsarah defect major code-frontend-cli 1.0.0
#404 tahoe plugins: facilitate extensions/applications written in Python somebody enhancement major packaging 1.0.0
#419 pycryptopp uses up too much RAM nobody defect minor code-encoding 1.0.0
#424 stdeb: push to upstream zooko defect major packaging 1.0.0
#436 add rate information to upload/download status warner enhancement minor code-nodeadmin 1.0.0
#442 download: only retrieve minimal hashes, not all of them defect major code-performance 1.0.0
#450 checker / repair agent enhancement major code-storage 1.0.0
#452 slowdown in _validate_crypttext_hashtree for large files defect minor code-encoding 1.0.0
#459 wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to undo nevow's exception rendering? enhancement minor code-frontend-cli 1.1.0
#472 cpu monitor sometimes shows negative numbers defect major code-nodeadmin 1.1.0
#475 CPU-watcher munin graph got stuck defect minor code-nodeadmin 1.1.0
#478 add memory-usage to stats-provider numbers enhancement major code-storage 1.1.0
#479 wouldn't it be nice if we could run from source without running 'make' or 'python build' first? somebody defect minor packaging 1.1.0
#481 build some share-migration tools task major code-storage 1.1.0
#486 add munin graphs of server-operation latency enhancement major code-storage 1.1.0
#489 reconsider update-write-enabler plan, allows an attack defect major code-mutable 1.1.0
#490 uninitialized memory access in TahoeFS booker defect major code-frontend-w32 1.1.0
#499 emacs thinks our makefile is a BSD makefile somebody defect minor packaging 1.2.0
#505 wanted: a setuptools plugin to make unit tests be executed with trial instead of with pyunit cgalvan enhancement major packaging 1.2.0
#511 publish Mac images somewhere somebody task major website 1.2.0
#513 mail copies of new tickets to tahoe-dev somebody enhancement major dev-infrastructure 1.2.0
#516 set up mailing list to receive automated mails from darcs/trac/buildbot somebody task minor dev-infrastructure 1.2.0
#519 can't Register new accounts in Trac zooko defect major dev-infrastructure 1.2.0
#520 indicate size limits early in helper protocol defect major code-encoding 1.2.0
#526 simplify install.html so that it doesn't require GNU make somebody enhancement major packaging 1.2.0
#545 uploading too-large mutable file causes huge memory usage, 100% CPU defect major code-mutable 1.2.0
#552 the "webdrive" javascript frontend moves objects with delete-before-add defect major code-frontend-web 1.2.0
#553 "More Info" link should point to a file/dir, not a dir+childname zooko defect major code-frontend-web 1.2.0
#557 Potential XSS vulnerability when using JSON defect minor code-frontend-web 1.2.0
#558 kpreid says that the -SUMO tarballs don't exist cgalvan defect major packaging 1.2.0
#561 cpu-watcher not resilient to corrupted pickles defect major code-nodeadmin 1.2.0
#564 anonymize IP addresses in log files somebody defect major code 1.2.0
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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